Sales Validation vs. Account Managers Crucial Roles in Launching Products

Discover the key roles that sales validation teams and account managers play in successfully launching new products and explore the misconceptions surrounding their functions.

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Sales Validation Teams vs. Account Managers

Sales Validation Teams vs. Account Managers

Sales validation teams and account managers perform fundamentally different functions within a company. Understanding the importance of both roles is crucial to successfully launching new products.

The Misconception

There's a common belief that once an innovation team validates a value proposition, the account managers must "sell" this to existing customers. However, in my opinion, they have a completely different role.

Role of Account Managers:

  • 1 Role of Account Managers:
    • Customer Relationships: Account managers are vital for maintaining relationships with existing customers.
    • Feedback: They provide incremental feedback that is essential for continuous improvement of the relationship (often involving tailor-made adjustments for one customer).

Role of Sales Validation Teams:

  • 2 Role of Sales Validation Teams:
    • Market Introduction: Their primary role is to figure out how to effectively introduce a completely new product into a new market.
    • Process Development: They develop a process that is both repeatable and teachable.
    • Strategic Feedback: During this process, they collect detailed feedback crucial for fine-tuning product features, optimizing the business model, and making strategic pivots to ultimately scale your sales efforts.

Different Stages:

Sales validation is focused on a different stage of your product lifecycle that demands a unique combination of mindset, skills, and character.

When introducing a new product to the market, you can't copy what worked for your other products. It would be best if you had a differently skilled team to be successful.

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