Webinar: Search & Select

Presented by BW Ventures and TMC

Innovating often sounds like a creative process that is generally imagined to be without obligation. Though regularly, time and funds are invested in ideas/innovations without a clear understanding of what the return on investment could be. Innovation isn't at all the most straightforward process and is one of the hardest things to predict. So, how do you ensure that these ideas are crafted into commercially successful innovations?

Together, TMC and BW Ventures are hosting a string of webinars that address key topics regarding innovation and we’d like to invite you to join us on in this series!

Where & how to find the best innovation projects for your company?

In this webinar, we will focus on the different sources of ideation.

After you have seen this webinar, you will have a broader knowledge about:

• What ideation is
• The differences between being inventive and innovative
• How to structure your company never to miss an innovation opportunity
• How to source external ideas
• How to select the most promising ideas;
• What to do after you have found and selected the good ideas.

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