The Power of Learning Sales as an Innovation Manager

Discover how learning sales as an innovation manager can transform your career and open doors to new opportunities and growth.

Old architecture and new architecture divided diagonally by a line.

I am a big believer that learning how to sell as an innovation manager has the power to change your life. 😮

Since my co-founder and I split about 5 years ago, I needed to learn how to sell quickly.

Ever since that time, I have created lots of opportunities, got myself some financial peace of mind and grown my company at a compounded annual growth rate of 30%+. 👆

Doing sales has also helped me find more like-minded people, made me new friends, and helped me guide new ventures more successfully. I recommend every innovation manager start learning how to do sales.

And I have 5 specific reasons why:

- 🏅 Reason 1: Sales will teach you to understand people better. As an innovation manager, it's crucial to understand your target group. So, why not try selling them something?

- 💡 Reason 2: Sales isn't about logic; it's about emotion. Understanding the emotions of your target group makes it easier to create compelling value propositions and sell your new product or service.

- 👥 Reason 3: Once you begin practising cold acquisition, your confidence in speaking to strangers increases. This not only aids in sales but also leads to pleasant surprises at holidays, parties, and other social events.

- 🎯 Reason 4: Sales isn't just about your product. Once you understand this, you'll approach innovation challenges differently. Adding another feature won't always be the solution.

- 🎉 Reason 5: Instead of just creating great concepts and handing them off to the sales team, you'll also experience the joy of someone saying, "YES, THIS IS WHAT I NEED!". That, for me, is the essence of being in innovation.

If you start learning sales as an innovation manager, let me know. I'd love to connect with you (and answer any questions you have about getting started!).


Don't create unicorns,
Let's breed blue whales.